Empowering Our Team Through The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme
As part of our work to foster inclusivity, acceptance and understanding in our school, we have rolled out the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower scheme across Woodbridge Road Academy. Pupils, staff and families are encouraged to wear or carry items from the sunflower range to show that they have a hidden disability. We love the range of items available as they cater for a range of sensory needs.
One of the key advantages of the scheme for us is that pupils understand that they are not the only ones with hidden disabilities. We think this is important to help our pupils feel included.
We also use the Hidden Disability scheme to support our pupils in developing their independence. For example, we have pupils who have successfully used public transport because they have shown sunflower items whilst boarding which has allowed bus drivers to provide support and encouragement to them.
These items have the additional benefit that they can easily be put on or removed, making it easy to either wear all the time, or just when they feel they need to.
The Challenge of non-visible disabilities
Not all disabilities, conditions or chronic illnesses are always seen. These hidden conditions - for example autism, ADHD, anxiety disorders, chronic pain, migraines, hearing loss or diabetes - don’t always have external signs, which can lead to judgement or insensitivity.
This means it can be a double burden for anyone living with these non-visible conditions; managing the condition itself while also facing a world that often fails to recognise their challenges. By improving awareness of these issues, through the Hidden Sunflower and other schemes, we can help change attitudes and make lives better.